Pros and Cons of Moving Abroad
Thinking of moving abroad?
Moving abroad with our family of five has been one of the most challenging things we have ever done. Yet, despite the obstacles, we unanimously agree it has been an incredible experience and one that we wish we would have done sooner!

We are sharing our first hand account of the pros and cons of moving abroad in hopes of inspiring and helping you with your international move.
Making the decision to move abroad is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. But knowing what lies ahead and what to expect can make a major difference in terms of how smoothly the transition goes.
Although we have traveled the world, choosing to permanently move abroad and settle into a foreign culture and community is an entirely different experience with unique highs and lows.
Moving abroad differs from simply traveling through a foreign location because it requires integrating into an unfamiliar community and culture in a way that simply passing through and visiting does not.
Understanding the opportunities and obstacles that lie ahead, and preparing as best you can, will allow you to navigate the enormous life change with greater ease. The more informed you are, the more you will enjoy this life changing experience!
We are passionate about sharing with others our honest and heartfelt experience, so here are some of the pros and cons of moving abroad.
Pros of Moving Abroad…
Cultural Immersion
Cultural immersion means becoming intimately familiar with a culture by actively participating in life like a local through community engagement, social norms, language and education…to name just a few!
Exposure to Different Cultures
Immersive experiences that happen when you move abroad provide the opportunity to really walk in someone else’s shoes, observe their day-to-day, and try to assimilate into their patterns and way of life.
This experience allows you to appreciate life from a different perspective. Actively integrating into a foreign community, interacting and living beside locals and understanding the way others live is a circumstance unique to moving abroad.
One of our favorite parts of moving to a foreign country and experiencing cultural immersion firsthand is how every aspect of life becomes fresh and new!
Here are some of our favorite observations and what we have come to appreciate from relocating to a new country and benefiting from immersing ourselves in a foreign culture:
Change in Global Perspective: Immersing yourself in a new culture fundamentally changes you as a person and the way you see the world. When you are exposed to different cultures and living your daily life in a new country and community, the lens through which you see the world begins to change.
Meeting new people with radically different backgrounds, customs and practices allows you to understand and experience life in a new way. The lens we use to see the world can influence our global view and outlook. It’s like trying on a different pair of glasses and seeing things in a totally fresh way, discerning new details and gleaning different insights. It broadens and expands your perspective, and helps you to better understand not only yourself, but others as well.
When participating in the day-to-day of an overseas community you are able to experience the economic, political and social influences that make up that region. You see first hand the social norms, patterns and environmental influences of a given community.
Living in a new community and culture allows you to appreciate the diversity and complexity of the world in a way that living in one location does not. Real cultural immersion allows you to dismantle many ethnocentric influences by connecting you to the greater world and challenging stereotypes. I know that we have learned so much from others as a result of moving and making friends with a broad range of people across the globe. Additionally, it has shifted the understanding we have of our own country of origin.
My kids have such a broadened view of societal norms, geography, politics and economics after moving from their home town in California and living all over the world.
Daily Life: It is wonderful to observe how people live their daily life in a way that is different from the country and community you came from. While values and patterns of humans are very similar across the globe, there are also significant differences that have been wonderful to observe and take part in after moving abroad. In Spain specifically, there is a much slower pace and balanced life spent out of work connecting with family and friends. People get their fresh baguette in the morning from the local bakery and linger over coffee in the afternoon, talking with people in cafes and in their communities.
Food: Observing how people relate to food illuminates a lot about a culture. Understanding the rituals and practices regarding food preparation and meals is fascinating. In most of Europe there is a market on every corner where locals shop daily for fresh produce and products. It is common to walk to the market everyday, to pick up your ingredients for dinner that evening. Cooking is done deliberately and meals are thoughtful experiences that last for hours over conversation and connection.
Family: One of our favorite things in Spain is observing how multiple generations spend time together eating and recreating. There is a huge premium on family time: babies, teens and the elderly are all part of the mix. I love going to the beach in Spain in the middle of summer and seeing the families gather, including multiple generations of grandparents, teenagers, aunts, uncles and small children.
Recreating: The amount of recreating and work-life balance tells you a lot about a culture and its values. There is much more leisure and personal care in most European countries compared to the United States. The reason this is so important is that a more balanced life results in things like increased happiness, stronger personal connections and better mental health. It also results in better productivity at work.
Those are just a few of the meaningful observations we have encountered since moving abroad and immersing ourselves in a new culture. It has been extremely refreshing to see the value placed on living a balanced life, connecting more with family and slowing down to appreciate some of the simple, yet deeply enriching parts of a well lived life.

Learning New Languages
Learning a new language is one of the most exciting and beneficial things that will happen when you move abroad. There are a multitude of significant benefits to learning a new language, regardless of what phase of life you are in. Additionally, being immersed in a culture and surrounded by a new language increases your language acquisition tenfold!
Our family of five has used a variety of practices and techniques when trying to learn a new language and all work well at various points. We observe some people very committed and others who want to become a little more comfortable before jumping in. Learning a language is a personal experience and finding what method works best for you will facilitate your language development.
Our teenager learned to be fluent in six months by volunteering and working entirely with native Spanish speakers. Our nine year old was a bit shy in trying to learn the language, but after joining several sports teams that only spoke Spanish, he has gained confidence and is very comfortable speaking now. Other people attempt solo or group lessons, and there are dozens of great apps you can try to support your efforts as well. There is no one right way to do it and you can find a way that works with your lifestyle.
Here are a few of the amazing benefits of learning a new language.
Changing Your Brain with a New Language: Language acquisition creates new neural pathways and connections. These new pathways have a variety of benefits, including improving your ability to learn new things, reinforcing existing cognitive functioning, and increasing your recall capabilities and memory. Additionally there are studies that have illuminated learning a new language improves intercultural competencies, interpersonal relationships and problem solving!
Creating Opportunities with a New Language: Individuals who are bilingual are extremely attractive in the workforce, due to the increased globalization of corporations looking for individuals who are fluent in more than one language. Employers in the United State reported multilingualism is one of the most sought-after qualifications when looking for new hires. Additionally, being bilingual increases your earning potential.
There are many careers and jobs in a variety of industries for those that speak multiple languages. Some of these fields include translation and tech, hospitality and travel, as well as teaching and tutoring.
In addition to job opportunities, learning a second language opens up your ability to connect socially and integrate into your new community. It creates social opportunities by being able to recreate, socialize and connect with individuals who speak a different language, especially with locals.
We have made friends with locals who wanted to work on their English while we were working on our Spanish and we have had such a fun time fumbling our way through teaching each other our native language while making new friends!
Changing Your Worldview With Another Language: Each regional language is created and shaped by unique geography, history, politics and social norms. When you learn a new language it alters and informs the way you see the world and your perspective about people, community and culture as a whole.
Learning a new language has a multitude of benefits that not only change you as a person, but creates opportunities while expanding your world view!
Career Advancement
There are so many exciting and new opportunities and experiences across all areas of your life that will open up as a result of moving abroad.
Opportunities for Better Jobs
The world is big and diverse, and no matter how mind expanding you try to make your life, if you are living in the same location you are not going to be able to notice, explore and capitalize on all the different opportunities available.
The opportunities we have been exposed to as a result of moving abroad have been one of the best parts of the move.
Here are just a few of the most significant opportunities that open up when you move abroad.
Job Opportunities and Career Advancement: Getting a new job or advancing your career in a different country creates exciting opportunities that allow for a complete lifestyle change. It can expand your personal and professional network and advance and develop your professional skills. Whether you are a freelancer, entrepreneur or choose to be part of a company there are so many career openings available for you to choose from. Here are some of the most sought after professions for individuals willing and eager to work overseas.
Teaching and Tutoring: Finding a job teaching or tutoring around the world is easier than ever. TEFL and International schools around the world are eagerly seeking candidates to teach not only English, but a variety of subjects. There are various online teaching and tutoring platforms looking for qualified candidates. Our teenager teaches English online to preschool kids and absolutely loves it! She can work from anywhere in the world as long as she has her computer and gets to connect with communities across the globe. We have personally used various tutoring and teaching platforms such as Italki, Wyzant and Verbling. We also have a friend in education who moved her family to Portugal to work in an international school and has never been happier.
Business and Tech jobs: Jobs in these sectors are the most demanded in the world. Large multinational corporations such as Apple and Google are looking for a diverse skill set and globally minded employees.
Additionally, emerging economies and countries are also growing in the business and tech sector, but without as much competition between applicants. These economies are looking for qualified candidates who can add distinct value. Some of the careers in demand are web developers, software engineers, cyber security specialists, supply communication and financial services.
Medicine and Healthcare: This industry is growing, offers a variety of distinct jobs and is always in need of professionals. This is a great field for those interested and inspired by helping people and connecting with a community .There is a need for medical assistants and technicians, as well as mental health experts, nurses, and physicians. Not only are government agencies looking for help, but there is a need in private and NGO sectors as well.
Hospitality and Tourism : Travel and tourism is growing like never before! It is also an industry that has considerable job opportunities regardless of your experience or education. Employers in hospitality and tourism are often looking for an international employee to help diversity their team. You can find work in travel agencies, as a tour guide, in hotels and restaurants and recreation companies. We have friends who started working on boat charters in the Mediterranean with no previous experience and are loving the adventure and learning so much along the way!
Freelancers and Entrepreneurs: Freelancers are ideal for location independent jobs and moving abroad. Stock traders, graphic designers, digital marketing, bloggers and writers are a few of the jobs you can do while working for yourself. The earning potential is limitless in these jobs and allows for complete independence. See our previous blog post about jobs for digital nomads for more ideas and information.
The career opportunities that are available when you move abroad are considerable. There are jobs and openings in industries and fields that you haven’t even thought of or wouldn’t be available to you in your country of origin. Now there are more places to find these openings than ever before and find your dream job abroad.
Access to Higher Education
When you live in one country you are exposed to and focused on the education available to you in that location. However, when you move abroad, your worldview and awareness of additional educational opportunities expands.
With three kids we have taken advantage of a wide variety of educational models throughout the years. We have world-schooled, home-schooled, attended local public schools and tried international and private schools. Each model has advantages and disadvantages, and you learn different things in each setting. Moving abroad even furthered our opportunities for different types of education.
Here are some of the different educational opportunities for all ages.
Primary and Secondary School: There are so many types of schools available to kids in various locations around the world. Here in Europe, we have the choice of public schools, private schools, international schools and forest schools. You can choose the British, French, American or International Baccalaureate programs. While we are traveling, the online or homeschooling options work really well. But my kids have also attended international schools where they made friends from all over the world. This has been such a great opportunity because back in California there is just not the same kind of diversity and they have loved it!
Universities: Depending on what part of the world you relocate to there can be thousands of higher educational opportunities that open up. There are public, private and community colleges that all accept international students. Furthermore, many of them are very interested in increasing their international student body and in many cases provide student visas. Our eldest just finished applying to universities in ten different countries from Honk Kong to Scotland. After moving abroad she realized that the world is open to her through education, as opposed to just focusing on schools back in the United States. It has been so exciting to learn about exceptional schools all over the world where you can have an excellent and exciting college experience while also being exposed to different locations and people.
Trade and Vocational Programs: There are a wide variety of trade and vocational programs actively seeking candidates all over the world. You can find fields and industries that appeal to you that might not be available in your home country. Many of these programs will actually assure you of job placement after the program. There are also a number of programs being created that provide volunteer and internship opportunities while you travel!
Educational Enrichment Opportunities: The options that open up when moving abroad for enrichment and enjoyment are extensive and can really have a lasting impact when you move abroad. The new community you find yourself in will have classes and opportunities unique to that setting, giving you a chance to meet people and try something you are interested in. While traveling we have tried local dance classes, local cuisine cooking classes, horseback riding, surfing, sailing, and art classes taught by local artist.
The educational opportunities across developmental stages is extensive when you move abroad. No matter where you are in life or what you are looking to learn, there are enriching and exciting options that open up.
Social Opportunities: There are so many new social opportunities that open up when you move abroad as well. You are engaging with an entirely new part of the population and we have found that so many people are eager to connect. There are a wide variety of ways to meet locals from on-line forums and apps to community and international clubs. You can try a new sport or activity unique to that setting and you get to socialize, make friends and date with an entirely new community and culture. The social opportunities that have opened up to us have been nothing short of incredible, and a highlight of our move abroad. We all now have friends in countries across the world!
Travel: When you move abroad you start to travel to new places as well. While living in your new location you start to focus on the places that are in closer proximity to your home base for adventure and exploration. For instance when we wanted to ski in California we would head to the Sierras or the Rockies, but living in Europe you head to the Alps or the Dolomites. Moving abroad allows you to travel and explore new locations with greater ease and at a lower price point.

Financial Benefits
The financial benefits are undoubtedly one of the biggest advantages of moving abroad.
Cost of Living Differences
A Lower Cost of Living: Decreasing your cost of living is likely one of the most significant benefits of moving abroad. While we meet expats from all over the globe, with a spectrum of socioeconomic backgrounds, the vast majority have relocated with the goal of lowering their cost of living and overhead. Decreasing expenses in areas such as rent and utilities can open up opportunities to travel, have more disposable income and decrease stress as well.
We have friends that moved to Portugal from Hong Kong and they decreased their overhead by more than half. They report that their quality of life is better and they are able to enjoy their kids more. Other people we have known moved from Norway to Costa Rica and dramatically reduced their overhead and completely changed their day to day life. They get to travel more and take more time off work to make memories.
Moving to another country allows you to enjoy and experience a better life but with half the expense! Many digital nomads, retirees and families have only improved their life, but without having to make more money by moving abroad. Most people we meet and talk to wish they had done it sooner for this reason alone.
Tax Benefits
There can be significant tax benefits when you move abroad. Many countries offering digital nomad visas are incentivising people with tax benefits, and in some cases not taxing income that is not generated in that country. This allows many people who move abroad to further reduce their overhead while traveling and having life-changing experiences.
Personal Growth
The personal growth that occurs when you move abroad is considerable and one of the areas you will see the biggest advantages and shifts in your life!
The reality is a predictable life does not challenge or allow for as much personal growth and expansion as one that requires us to expand and stretch.
Some of the areas you will experience personal transformation are below…
Increased Independence
You will realize there is very little you can’t do on your own after moving abroad! There are very few things as demanding and unpredictable as moving away from everything you know to a foreign land. Yet you will see that despite the obstacles faced, settling in, navigating and creating a new life is entirely manageable.
For us personally, showing our kids we could liquidate our life, hop on a plane to a place we had never been and navigate a foreign language, new school and culture has been completely life changing. I believe it will give them the tools to see they can do anything going forward.
Building Resilience
Moving abroad requires developing a new skill set you may not have had before. The truth is moving abroad is uncomfortable, but what you develop in durability and stamina to move through hard situations is significant!
Not having a predictable path, feeling alone, navigating a foreign culture, and feeling lost are powerful and difficult experiences. Learning to navigate these circumstances, digging deep to find courage allows you to see that you are capable of hard things.
Problem Solving and Being Adaptive: When you move abroad you acquire a real education and tremendous life skills. When you arrive somewhere without a community, familiarity with a language and culture you learn to be nimble and problem solve. You learn quickly what really matters, who your true friends are, how little you need to live a happy life and how to land on your feet and overcome. We built a life from scratch and now I see my kids land in a new country and navigate the language, currency, culture, and new relationships with ease!
Natural World and Environment: Moving abroad allows you to appreciate the natural world in a different way as well. Moving abroad and settling into a new environment has allowed me to see the natural world with a renewed sense of wonder and reverence. When you live for an extended period of time in a new location you are able to appreciate the seasons and cycles from a different place on the globe.
While we have traveled all over the world and have seen some of the most spectacular topography and terrain, living in one location for an extended period brings the seasons, nuances and subtitles of mother nature into focus.
Seeing the sunrise each morning while living on an island, with the light reflecting on the mediterranean is breathtaking and feels different than all the other sunrises I have seen before. We have witnessed unique clouds, violent thunderstorms and have seen more rainbows in a year than we have seen in a lifetime. On hikes we see different flora and fauna, ancient olive trees and rows of beautiful almond and citrus groves.
Our nine year old is a biologist at heart, and has found insects and shells he had only read about. Mother nature is incredible and even when you respect and appreciate it daily, moving somewhere new allows it to become even more vibrant and majestic.
Making Some of the Best Friends of Your Life: There is something about moving abroad and meeting other expats or locals that creates the environment for really deep and meaningful friendships. Other travelers and people who have moved abroad are a particular kind of person, with a sense of adventure and an attitude that immediately allows for a connection that you might not have shared with people back home.
There is also a vulnerability that comes with being a foreigner or outsider that allows for an immediate bond with people who are doing the same thing. It is a unique club of people and creates wonderful opportunities for very sincere relationships. When we meet other families who also uprooted their entire world to move across the globe there is no small talk, but an immediate curiosity and exchange about how and why they made the decision they did and how they are doing with all the change and challenges.
We have met some of the best friends we have ever had with other expats, as well as locals who have welcomed us with open hearts and minds to their culture and community.
Anonymity: Even though you may not have anything you feel you need to leave behind, we underestimate how our family, friends, environment and upbringing can influence us into becoming or behaving a certain way. Furthermore it can influence you to only be interested in a narrow set of things and experiences. Arriving in a location where no one knows you allows you to set aside what was previously expected of you and to try something new and have a fresh start.
Certain careers, environments, communities and even friends can keep us narrowly focused on what we want to try and experience. Being anonymous allows you to get in touch with and learn about parts of yourself that may have been encumbered in your previous community and culture.
Creating Memories: Did you know that engaging in new can activate neural circuitry that produces memory-boosting chemicals? This is why most people report very strong memory recall when they are traveling! This advantage to moving abroad is particularly important to me as a mom who is eager to create as much neural circuitry in my kids. I am eager to create memories full of meaningful and expansive childhood experiences. Furthermore, science is illuminating that memories create our personality so taking a trip, trying new food, meeting new people and having adventures all help to create who we are as a person and how we move through the world.
Cons of Moving Abroad
Now that we have discussed the significant advantages and pros of moving abroad, let’s take a realistic look at the downsides, cons and challenges that can arise when you move internationally.
Language Barriers
The truth is not speaking the language in your new community is difficult, just as culture shock can be. When everything is unfamiliar and you are not accustomed to big and small things you can feel overwhelmed and disoriented. The truth is, at least in the beginning, that everything is harder when you move abroad.
Difficulty in Communicating
It can be frustrating to navigate in your new culture when you are unable to easily communicate. Even small things like ordering food, shopping or trying to get your mail can all be daunting tasks. Furthermore, it keeps you from connecting with the locals and can keep you feeling alone and isolated.
Struggle to Understand Local Customs
When people hear you are moving abroad or becoming a digital nomad, they imagine you lounging on the beach and living a life of leisure. And while there are new adventures and experiences to be had, the truth is there is often more work on the other side of an international move.
You take for granted knowing your way around, being able to read labels in the grocery store and communicating with the person in the bank or post office. We received a parking ticket and it took me three stops on three different days to figure out how to pay it! Whereas back home I would have popped it in the mail or paid it online in under a minute. After we moved abroad, in addition to the regular demands of our jobs and raising kids, we had to deal with visas, taxes, banks, schools, feelings of isolation and missing our old community.
When you move to a new country you can feel very alone and undoubtedly will miss your friends, family and community. You are an outsider in a new environment, and it can feel isolating and uncomfortable. When we moved to Spain from California, it was a choice we all eagerly made. However, despite wanting to be in our new location we found ourselves feeling disoriented and wistful about home at times. Not one of us wanted to be back in California, but rather we just had a feeling of not being rooted and lost.

Humans need and crave familiarity and connection, and there is very little of this when you relocate. Additionally, if you are moving with kids you are dealing, managing and having to sit with their isolation and homesickness. My kids were so happy to be in a radically new culture, but making friends is hard and they really missed their home. Surprisingly, our teen girls had an easier time than our eight year old son with the transition. He really missed his childhood friends and familiar routine. I think in some ways phones and technology allowed my teens to stay connected to their friends in a way that our younger kiddo couldn’t because he didn’t have a phone. This is one of those circumstances where technology really can help you feel more connected!
Cultural Shock
In any given year some of the most stressful things you can encounter are a change in school or a job, moving to a new location, leaving friends and family or lifestyle changes. When you move abroad you are not encountering just one of these major life changes, but all of them at once! Life can be tricky and demanding as is, and when you pile on an international move where almost every aspect of your life is unfamiliar it can lead to a lot of challenges and adjustments in acclimating.
Legal and Administrative Issues
Dealing with the paperwork and bureaucracy is a significant undertaking when moving abroad. There are different requirements for every country and understanding the type of visa you are required to have, along with any additional work permits is critical to understand. Navigating this process can take up a lot of time and energy. It involves understanding a different culture, interfacing with an unfamiliar bureaucracy and language barriers.
In our case moving to Spain with a family of five required us to jump through a lot of hoops in order to live there longer than 180 days. We were required to have international health insurance, background checks, medical clearance and proof of financial means to name just a few! It involved both my husband and I working on several fronts for several months to gather all the formal documentation. Furthermore, upon arriving in a country there are usually additional requirements one needs to take care of as well.
Some of these are as follows…
Proof of Residency: This is required in most countries in order to open a bank account or enroll your children in school.
Drivers License: In many countries they will allow foreigners to drive for a limited period of time before then requiring you to get a license in that country. In Spain we were required to get a Spanish drivers license after six months. This involved taking a written and driving test. We had to study for several weeks and take ten driving lessons with an instructor!
Schooling: Many schools require residency status to register your child in school. So you have to make sure you have all the paperwork in order and resolved before getting your kids signed up.
Utilities and Leases: Signing a lease can be challenging in many countries. Sometimes having residency is required and takes additional steps. Furthermore, setting up utilities generally requires a bank account in that country.
Banking: Having a bank account is required in many countries in order to sign leases, enroll in schools, and pay utilities. However, often you have to prove residency before a local bank will allow you to open an account. It feels like you are going in circles for a while trying to accomplish these things!
Finding Doctors: Establishing good care with doctors is important and takes time. Even if you are healthy, having doctors we could rely on if the kids got sick or needed a dentist appointment required time and research.
There are a lot of very challenging and time consuming legal and administrative issues to take care of when you move. In the beginning there is a lot to get settled and sorted, but little by little things get crossed off the list and you learn how the system works.
Tips for Moving Abroad
Here are some helpful tips for making your move abroad more successful and run a bit smoother.
Culture and Language
Learning as much as you can about your new culture, country and environment is helpful in adjusting. Acquainting yourself with customs, traditions, and practices will help with your integration.
The more language acquisition you have before you move, the more enjoyable and easier the relocation abroad will be. Try to learn as much as you can through lessons, apps, books, movies and music.
Job Market and Economy
If you are going to be looking for a new job once you arrive you want to make sure you are aware of the current economy and job market. If a country you are deciding to go to is having challenges economically or with employment it is important to know what you are getting into. Similarly, if there is a country that is appealing and they are seeing a lot of growth it might further motivate and entice you to go.
There are so many ways to meet people even before you arrive in your new country. There are forums and communities across a variety of platforms and social media apps. Other expats and people who have done the move before you are an invaluable source of information and help!
Through Facebook we had an arranged playdate for our eight year old before we even arrived! To this day, those friends are some of his closest pals. Additionally, we found an amazing Spanish tutor who was an invaluable source of information about our new community while also teaching us Spanish.
Over time you will construct a very reliable and supportive system of friends, doctors, teachers and community support.
Preparing Finances
Before you leave it’s important to estimate your budget and future income and expenses. There are a lot of great resources online for getting an idea of the cost of living in almost every country. You can also examine rental prices along with school, cars and utility costs. Make a reasonable budget and plan accordingly. Make sure to leave some room for unforeseen things and have a buffer for expenses which invariably always pop up!
Job and Work: If you are keeping your same job it might be helpful to have some time off when you initially arrive and while you are getting settled. If you don’t have work it is important to do some preliminary research and reach out to several employers to get a feel for their responsiveness and what hiring practices are like.
Positive Attitude and Flexibility: Your psychological disposition and attitude are arguably the most important thing with a move abroad. There are a lot of obstacles and circumstances to navigate, but remaining very nimble, positive and having your sense of humor is critical. Remember why you are there and trust the process, knowing that it will take time to get settled.
Planning for the Future
In terms of trying to develop long term plans within a career or community I believe it is important to observe and take it all in for a bit of time before you decide on what works best in the future. Impressions of a place take time to develop and settling in can take years.
Drawing conclusions about how long you will be in a new place, or if you intend to work forever in a location or career should be met with some patience and open-mindedness. Many expats will tell you that it took a solid year before they felt they could really say how they were doing and how they were feeling about their new country and community.
As you can see, there are so many topics to discuss, sort through and examine with an international move. There are certainly many things you can do to help facilitate a smoother transition. But nothing is more important than having a open mind and flexible approach with such a massive life change.
While there are challenges and obstacles when you move abroad the pros FAR outweigh the cons. And furthermore, even the challenges ultimately result in a net gain of personal growth and valuable experience. Our international move has been an adventure of a lifetime that just keeps getting better!
Wishing you all the best as you navigate your international move. You can also ping us to learn more information about international moving abroad!

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We started our family travel blog in hopes of supporting other families move abroad and travel the world. Through straightforward, sincere and supportive information we hope to provide a reliable guide for those moving overseas with a family and traveling the globe.