Want to Move Abroad? How to Choose the Perfect Country for Your Career Goals
For those who are hoping to work in their new location, the first issue is to what extent your visa actually allows it. As noted, not all visa types allow you to work, or if they do, they may limit the percentage of income that can be derived from within the country.
Some countries have non-lucrative visas that are issued on the premise that you won’t be working (even remotely). Just be sure you’ve thoroughly done your homework in the Visa and Residency section and can obtain a visa that will allow for the type and amount of work you plan to do.
And even if you’re not planning to work, being aware of the job market in the potential new country and location is an important consideration.
The availability of jobs, thriving sectors, as well as unemployment rates influence the quality of life, culture, and economics of a community. Knowing the state of the job market helps with understanding the overall economic condition of a location.

- Research the unemployment and economic statistics of an area. Look into available jobs and popular and growing sectors.
- Understand the work culture of an area, determining if it’s conservative and traditional, bustling and dynamic, or more focused on work/life balance.
- Digital nomads should research the digital infrastructure, including available Wi-Fi, internet speed, and available workspaces. Check out resources like www.nomadlist.com.
- Connect with expat forums and ask about available jobs, careers, and general questions about employment.
- If you are a freelancer or seeking employment, including online jobs, get your resume in order and begin looking before you move. This will allow you to gauge the interest of potential employers and the demand for your skills.
- Look at available jobs on local and international sites, like www.internationaljobs.com.
- Fill out the worksheet below and compare and contrast the job market and jobs available.

Visa Limitations | |||
Unemployment | |||
Popular Sectors | |||
Work Culture | |||
Ability to Work as a Foreigner | |||
Desired Languages | |||
Digital Infrastructure | |||
Available Jobs |
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